There are many things that people do while sleeping. Dreaming is one of the most common things though it doesn’t disturb anyone. Another thing that is most disturbing to people sleeping with you is snoring. Snoring can be due to a condition that many people know of called sleep apnea. It is more common than many people think. But this condition must at least occur for ten seconds if it has to be considered as sleep apnea.
What Is Sleep Apnea?
Sleep apnea is a condition where a person stops breathing while sleeping. The person stops breathing while sleeping. But the condition qualifies for consultation with a doctor only if it lasts for ten seconds or more. Usually, the person suffering from the condition doesn't realize this unless someone informs the person due to the loud snoring that is common with such people.
Sleep apnea is of two types, namely obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea. Though both are known by the name sleep apnea the reasons for both are different. Sleep apnea treatment will be recommended only after the doctor diagnoses which type you are suffering from.
The reason for obstructive sleep apnea, which is most common, is the narrowing of the air path and thus air is not able to pass through it. This is why we hear the person snoring. The loudness of snoring will be more if the pathway is very narrow. It is literally an event when the person chokes in sleep. Central sleep apnea occurs when the brain stops sending the sleeping person the signals for breathing. The person doesn’t even make the effort to breathe.
How Do You Identify Sleep Apnea
There are certain clear symptoms that will tell you if the person has sleep apnea. The condition is recognized by the person sleeping with the patient because of the loud snoring. This is the main symptom of sleep apnea. There are other symptoms like choking or gasping during sleep. Patients with this condition suffer from a restless sleep.
These people also get up frequently to pass urine. They will suffer from sleepiness during the day time which results from disturbed sleep at night. This can also result in lack of concentration and memory. Headache, irritability and mood changes are observed in people suffering from sleep apnea.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea Specialist who is usually an ENT doctor will conduct a few tests to diagnose the condition which will start with an interview with the patient. The doctor will find out if there are any obstructions in the upper air pathway. Another method that will give a clearer picture is a sleep study. There two types of sleep study one conducted at home and the other at the sleep clinic.
The treatment for sleep apnea mainly involves a change in the lifestyle. Most of the patients suffering from this condition are found to be higher in weight than they should be. Weight reduction is one of the recommendations along with regular exercise. Reduction of alcohol consumption and smoking are also recommended to treat this condition. People who suffer this due to allergy are advised to take anti-allergic medication.
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