How a Chronic Cough Specialist Can Help You

  As the Blog title suggests, this Blog is about how someone specializing in chronic coughs can help you. Many people are stuck with some sort of respiratory illness that is difficult to manage - asthma or emphysema, for example. Chronic coughs are not only annoying but also uncomfortable and lead to other health problems if left untreated. Thankfully, some medical personnel can provide relief through treatments like medications and postural drainage techniques. What is a Chronic Cough Specialist? A chronic cough specialist is a doctor who has specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic cough. This includes asthma, postnasal drip syndrome, chronic bronchitis, and post-viral pneumonia. Chronic cough specialists are also used for patients with sleep apnea, smoking cessation counselling, anxiety counselling, and stress relief.   How do they help people with chronic coughs? The two most common conditions that cause chronic coughing are asthma and bronchitis. T...

Allergy Overview: Symptoms, Treatment & More

 Basic Allergy

When a certain part of your skin gets irritated or inflamed, it is considered to be an allergy. Skin allergy is also known as eczema. This mainly happens when the skin comes in contact with any substance or by the food we consume. Skin allergy can happen at any age; allergies happen quite often to sensitive skin. To treat the allergy, you will have to visit the allergy doctor. If you are living in Singapore, you must look out for the best allergy doctor in Singapore. Small children are the most affected by skin allergies as their skin is sensitive.

The different types of allergies are as follows

Drug allergy: Drug allergies are allergies that are mainly caused due to medicines that they consume. Some human beings are allergic to high-power medicines, which cause allergies to them. 


Food allergy: The allergies which are caused due to consuming a specific amount or a specific type of food. Like, for instance, if a human being is allergic to spicy food, if he/she eats something spicy, they might face some reactions from their body.


Allergies caused by Insects: There are two types of insect allergies. The first one is which is caused by a sting like, for example, ant, mosquitoes, wasps, etc. Secondly, there is a non-sting allergy which is caused by cockroaches or dust-mite.


Pollen allergies: Seasonal changes mostly cause pollen allergies. Like for example, a fever or cough and cold is caused due to drop in temperatures.


Pet allergy: Pet allergy is mostly caused by a pet’s hair or fur. Many skin types are allergic to animal furs etc.


Symptoms of allergies are as follows


Dizziness in head

Queasiness in body

Cramps in stomach



Swelling on face


If you or your child are facing some symptoms listed above and you are living in Singapore, you should instantly lookout for an allergy doctor in Singapore.


Ear wax   

Ear wax is a semi-solid substance that is red, yellow, or orange in color. It is produced naturally by the body. It is produced in the outer area of the ear canal. This earwax protects the human ear from many other things like bacteria, water, fungi, etc. The ear wax consists of hair and dead skin cells. It also consists of cerumen which is excreted by the surroundings in the ear canal. More of ear wax in the ear canal will lead to blockage of hearing which not cleared can cause permanent loss of hearing. Hence you need to consult an ear wax removal doctor for the removal process. There are two types of ear wax wet and dry. Ear wax traps the dust particles and protects the eardrum from them.

Important points to remember about ear wax

This is for frequent ear diggers who frequently try to remove ear wax from their ears with the help of a cotton bud. The cotton bud might push the ear wax even deeper inside the ear, which might cause blocking the eardrums. If you want to remove the ear wax, you should find an ear wax removal doctor who will help you in the process.


There are different human beings with different ear canals. People with smaller canals might have a higher chance of building up more wax.


If you think that ear wax is not a sign of hygiene, then you can take help from an ear wax removal doctor. It traps dirt and protects the eardrum.



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